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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

MasterCard in Nepal | How to get your own mastercard with International bank account ?

Posted by on October 29, 2019 in ,
As we all know that, we cannot send the money from any medium out of a country(Nepal) for the personal use using electronic and banking system. So, having this rules in our country, we are not offered a global payment system to pay for the services that we can use from foreign such as online gaming, buying different eservices , payment for social media like facebook and google, using different internet to mobile call services at low price.
The mastercard can be a good option for that, so today we'll learn how to get a mastercard with international bank account for free or by paying a low amount as $30.

Mastercard for 30$
If you can pay for your mastercard, then click on a apply now button below, you'll get activated mastercard from which you can connect paypal and free trial services.
Mastercard for free
While, there is little labor that you need to do to get a mastercard for free. But don't worry i will explain you an every steps:

  • Signup for Fiverr Account 
  • Complete your profile update.
  • In Earning menu click on fiverr revenue card.
  • Fill the details 
  • Order a master card its free.
To see a step by step procedure check out this video:


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