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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Jobs at UN agency-UNDP-Various Position

Posted by on October 16, 2019 in ,

Position: National Digital Finance Consultant
Duration of Initial Contract : 12 months
Type of Contract : Individual Contract
Post Level : National Consultant
Application Deadline : 31-Oct-19 (Midnight New York, USA)

Position: National Project Manager
Application Deadline : 20-Oct-19 (Midnight New York, USA)

Additional Category : Democratic Governance and Peacebuilding

UNCDF is the UN’s capital investment agency for the world’s 47 Least Developed Countries (LDC). UNCDF uses its capital mandate to support LDCs pursue inclusive growth. UNCDF promotes financial inclusion, also through digital financial services (DFS), as a key enabler of poverty reduction and inclusive growth; and it demonstrates how localizing finance outside the capital cities can accelerate growth in local economies, promote sustainable and climate-resilient infrastructure development, and empower local communities. Using capital grants, loans and credit enhancements, UNCDF tests financial models in inclusive finance and local development finance; ‘de-risks’ the local investment space; and provides proofs of concept, paving the way for larger and more risk-averse investors. 

UNCDF under its new strategy Digital@UNCDF identifies agriculture as a critical sector to impact lives of low income segment specially women and youth leveraging digital solutions. Agriculture is a critical source of livelihood for more than a billion populations across the globe; it therefore plays an essential part in eradicating poverty and achieving global food security. Small holder farmers who own less than 2 hectares of land produce 50-60% of agri produce in middle and low income country. These farmers face several challenges that curtails their productivity. Digital solutions can enable agri-value chain actors especially smallholders improve productivity, quality and marketability of their outputs with lower risks. As we approach digital solution from human perspective our efforts create impacts that drive sustainability, improve resilience and help reduce hunger.

UNCDF is looking for a Digital Finance Consultant – National (Nepali citizen), who will be part of the existing Digital Finance team in Nepal and work closely with UNCDF partners to achieve the project results by providing regular technical assistance and facilitating partnerships within the eco-system.


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