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Monday, September 30, 2019

Jobs at governmental hospital-Different post-SDNTC

Posted by on September 30, 2019 in ,
Post: Cardiologist/ CTVS Surgeon/Anesthesiologist/Pulmonologist
Job type:Medical
Service: Contract

Shahid Dharmabhakta National transplant Center- SDNTC (Human Organ Transplant Center- HOTC) is situated at Dudhpati-17, Bhaktapur, a beautiful and a serene place at the distance of 12 kilometers from Kathmandu. It was established in 2012 by the Ministry of Health to strengthen and expand organ transplantation services in the country. The outdoor inauguration of the center was facilitated by the then Health Minister Rajendra Mahato, while the indoor service was instituted by the then Health Secretary Dr. Pravin Mishra. This center started its services merely with the out-patient and dialysis services, but within a few years of its establishment it has extended its services beyond dialysis and organ transplantation.
It is under the directorship of Senior Kidney/Liver and pancreas transplant surgeon Dr. Pukar Chandra Shrestha since 2012.
An estimated figure shows that the incidence of kidney failure in Nepal is 3,000. Likewise, 1,000 people develop liver failure annually. The estimated diabetic population who might be benefitted from pancreas transplantation in Nepal is 30% which is 10% of total population. Thus, increasing concern towards non- communicable diseases and organ failure resulted in the establishment of this center.


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